Civil and Environmental Engineering Associate Professor Stephen Arhin Featured in Transportation Research Board Newsletter

Dr. Stephen Arhin

Civil and Environmental Engineering Associate Professor Stephen Arhin, Ph.D. recently had his research paper titled “Predicting Bus Travel Times in Washington, DC Using Artificial Neural Networks” featured in the newsletter for the Transportation Research Board. The research project was funded by the Federal Highway Administration through the University Transportation Research Centers (UTC) with the Mineta Transportation Institute of San Jose State University selected to lead.

“The findings and models developed in this research are useful tools that the local transit agency (WMATA) can use to improve bus scheduling and operations, ultimately providing better and reliable transit service, while improving patronage,” said Dr. Arhin.

Dr. Arhin and his team have worked on several transit research-related projects through this UTC grant award. The focus of their research includes traffic operations and safety, crash data management and analysis, traffic modeling and simulation, autonomous vehicles, traffic data collection and analytics, and the application of data science in traffic and transportation engineering.


Research and Civil and Environmental Engineering