Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Ph.D. Students Receive IEEE CSCloud 2021 Best Student Paper Award

Recent electrical engineering Ph.D. graduate Naveen Naik Sapavath and computer science Ph.D. candidate Eric Muhati received the IEEE CSCloud 2021 Best Student Paper Award at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing. The winning paper, "Prediction and Detection of Cyberattacks using AI Model in Virtualized Wireless Network," was completed under the supervision of Danda B. Rawat, Ph.D., professor of computer science and director of the Howard University Data Science & Cybersecurity Center.
The paper details the team’s research on developing an artificial intelligence (AI) model for predicting and detecting cyberattacks in virtualized wireless networks.
"Our work is very important for securing wireless communications by predicting and detecting cyberattacks using the AI model. We are grateful to the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense for supporting this project," said Dr. Rawat.
Naveen Naik Sapavath, Ph.D. (December 2020) joined the University of California, Davis as a postdoctoral researcher. Eric Muhati will be graduating this summer and will join Stevenson University as a full-time assistant professor this fall.
(Pictured at top: Naveen Naik Sapavath, Ph.D. [L] and Eric Muhati [R])